DoAnywhere Upper Body Stretches
Flexibility in your upper body is important for many everyday activities you take for granted, like twisting and turning while backing out of a parking space. Try these three stretches to help keep your upper body agile. They don't require any special equipment and can even be done in your o...On : 09-May-2019- Source : Health Day -
Researchers explore better treatments for irritated tendons
New research on the biology of tendon irritation from Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University) pinpoints key molecular components of injury, opening the possibility of targeting the pathways with pharmaceutical and other interventions.On : 09-May-2019- Source : News Medical -
Torn rotator cuff Everything you need to know
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, an estimated 2 million people in the United States will visit a doctor for a rotator cuff problem each year.On : 09-May-2019- Source : Medical News Today -
Highintensity interval training increases injuries study finds
People who engage in high-intensity interval training are at greater risk for injury, especially in the knees and shoulders, a Rutgers study found.On : 09-May-2019- Source : Medical Xpress -
Timing of steroid shots before rotator cuff surgery affects infection risk
F o r p a t i e n t s u n d e r g o i n g a r t h r o s c o p i c s u r g e r y t o r e p a i r a t o r n r o t a t o r c u f f , p r e v i o u s s t e r o i d i n j e c t i o n s i n t o t h e s h o u l d e r d o n ' t i n c r e a s e t h e r i s k ...On : 09-May-2019- Source : Medical Xpress -
Mayo Clinic QampA Effectively treating a separated shoulder can get you back to your active life
A few weeks ago, I was snowboarding and dislodged my collarbone. I was told I have anywhere from a grade 3 to grade 5 separation. I've had my arm in a sling for three weeks, as was recommended, but it's still painful. Does this type of injury ever heal on its own, or will I need surg...On : 09-May-2019- Source : Medical Xpress -
High returntosport rates seen in NFL players after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement
After National Football League players underwent hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement, the return-to-sport rate was high, according to recently published results.On : 09-May-2019- Source : Healio -
Femoroacetabular Impingement and Early Hip Arthritis
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition characterized by the abnormal shape of the ball-and-socket hip joint. The importance of FAI in the development of hip-joint arthritis, and the treatment that is best suited for the condition, is a subject of great debate.On : 09-May-2019- Source : Verywell Health -
Labral Tear of the Hip Joint Causes and Treatments
Injuries to the labrum have long been recognized as a possible source of pain and discomfort. Labral injuries in the shoulder are much more common, and treating shoulder labral injuries have been more carefully investigated. With the recent development of arthroscopic techniques to surgically manage...On : 09-May-2019- Source : Verywell Health -
Hip Fracture Dangers and Mortality Rates
A broken bone may not sound serious, but if you are an older man or woman, a hip fracture can be the start of many severe health problems. How dangerous is a broken hip in an older person, and what is the mortality rate after a hip fracture?On : 09-May-2019- Source : Verywell Health