What is best Knee injections or knee replacement
If a patient continues to experience discomfort, swelling, or extensive joint damage, their doctor may suggest knee replacement or a knee injection.On : 02-Apr-2019- Source : Medical News Today -
What to know about MCL tears
MCL injuries often happen during contact sports. Direct contact to the outside of the knee during a collision can push the knee sideways. This puts a lot of pressure on the MCL, which can tear. Contracting the muscle while running and turning can also put enough stress on the ligament to sprain or t...On : 02-Apr-2019- Source : Medical News Today -
What makes joints pop and crack and is it a sign of disease
Joints emit a variety of noises, including popping, snapping, catching, clicking, grinding, grating and clunking. The technical term for these noises is "crepitus", from the Latin "to rattle".On : 02-Apr-2019- Source : Medical Xpress -
How the obesity epidemic is taking a toll on our bones and joints
Being overweight is one of the biggest risk factors for developing osteoarthritis (OA). Carrying too much weight causes joint instability and muscle weakness, and increases the load on bones and joints.On : 02-Apr-2019- Source : Medical Xpress -
Knee pain not linked with activity levels in adults with knee osteoarthritis
Knee pain was not associated with daily walking levels in an Arthritis Care & Research study of individuals with mild-to-moderate, symptomatic knee osteoarthritis.On : 02-Apr-2019- Source : Medical Xpress -
Tourniquet time linked with repaired Achilles tendon infection
Achilles tendon ruptures treated surgically had a low risk of infection and re-rupture, but these risks were greater in the presence of certain patient and surgical factors, according to study results.On : 15-Feb-2019- Source : Healio -
Performance Function Tests in Assessing Ankle Fitness
A challenge for any physician caring for athletes is determining readiness for return to competition after an injury. A wide variety of performance function tests (PFTs) have been described, but no norms or minimum performance levels exist for any of them.On : 15-Feb-2019- Source : Journal of the AAOS -
Role of the anconeus in the stability of a lateral ligament and common extensor origin deficient elbow an in vitro biomechanical study
T h e r o l e o f t h e a n c o n e u s i n e l b o w s t a b i l i t y h a s b e e n a l o n g - s t a n d i n g d e b a t e . A n a t o m i c a n d e l e c t r o m y o g r a p h i c s t u d i e s h a v e s u g g e s t e d a p o t e n t i a l r o l e a s ...On : 15-Feb-2019- Source : JSES -
Seek scientific support for alternative techniques to manage complex rotator cuff lesions
Rotator cuff lesions can be considered complex for a variety of reasons. It might be that previous attempts at repair have been made and failed. Worse still, an infection has occurred as a complication of previous surgery.On : 15-Feb-2019- Source : Healio -
Real Answers to Challenging Issues in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Orthopaedic surgeons routinely perform reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (rTSA) on patients with pathologies beyond the original indication for the reverse implant. With this comes the need for practical solutions to the clinical issues that can occur, such as unexplained pain, dislocation, infect...On : 15-Feb-2019- Source : ICJR