Allograft prosthetic composite RSA surgery uses telescope and flange techniques
Given that the articular surface of the allograft will be removed when placing the RSA prosthesis, there is no need to obtain a cartilage-friendly fresh allograft.On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : Healio -
What To Do When You Have No Cartilage in Your Knee
W h e n y o u h a v e n o c a r t i l a g e i n y o u r k n e e , s i m p l e m o v e m e n t s c a n b e p a i n f u l . C a r t i l a g e a t y p e o f c o n n e c t i v e t i s s u e t h a t l i n e s t h e e n d o f b o n e s p r o v i d e s c ...On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : Verywellhealth -
Better transplants for better joints A closer look at micromechanical mismatch influences in cartilage regeneration
Their findings could pave the way for designing more strategically engineered transplants for a less costly, more effective means of treating cartilage damage in the joints than current methods.On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : Medical Xpress -
Portal Placement for Hip Arthroscopy
The approach to establishing adequate sites for portal placement is dependent upon recognizing the pertinent anatomy of the surgical site. At the same time, the operator must be mindful of the desired views once access to the joint space has been obtained. Proper visualization of the desired joint r...On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : JOMI -
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis current management strategies
In this review, an overview of current knowledge of management and treatment of SCFE is presented. Due to the lack of consensus regarding classification, different surgical techniques, and outcome scores, it is hard to establish applicable guidelines or algorithms. With this work, we aim to provide ...On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : Taylor & Francis Online -
Labral tears in hip dysplasia and femoroacetabular impingement a systematic review
Hip dysplasia and femoroacetabular impingement are pathologies whose impact on the function and survival of the hip joint is no longer debated. Labral tears may be present and impact the prognosis of the causal pathology. Labral tear management lacks consensus and still raises several questions, thu...On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : PubMed -
Surgical planning technique improve results of THA for developmental dysplasia of the hip
Total hip arthroplasty for patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip may yield promising results; however, careful planning and surgical techniques are required to improve survivorship and reduce complications, a speaker said.On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : Healio -
Intracavitary extracavitary augments may provide support in acetabular reconstruction
Depending on the type of bone loss, intracavitary or extracavitary augments may provide either secondary or primary support in acetabular reconstruction with major bone loss, according to a presenter.On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : Healio -
AI could change the way clinicians look at hip preservation
VirtualHip is a software platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and 3D imaging to support diagnosis and treatment of pediatric hip deformities.On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : Medical Xpress -
Racial Disparities in Outcomes Following Open Treatment of Pediatric Femoral Shaft Fractures
Femoral shaft fractures are a common pediatric injury that can require non-operative or operative management. Several studies have shown that race impacts pain management and a number of emergency department visits in the pediatric femur fracture population. This study aimed to investigate any assoc...On : 20-Jan-2023- Source : Cureus