Pregnancy may increase the risk of a debilitating hip condition called transient osteoporosis
A review published in the journal Medicine investigates the link between transient osteoporosis of the hip (TOH) and pregnancy, focusing on diagnosis, treatment, and potential contributing factors.On : 05-Jan-2024- Source : Medical Xpress -
Hipfocused physical therapy reduces chronic low back pain for older adults finds clinical trial
The study, called the Manual Therapy and Strengthening the Hip (MASH) Trial, is believed by the research team to be the first clinical trial to assess the efficacy of a tailored physical therapy intervention matched to an at-risk subgroup of older adultsOn : 05-Jan-2024- Source : Medical Xpress -
Why dont more patients receive quality standard of care for hip fractures
Hip fractures are a common and painful occurrence in Canada, with data showing roughly 30,000 patients present with hip fractures a year, and more than 30% of those patients are over the age of 85. Opioids are effective at relieving acute pain, but olderOn : 05-Jan-2024- Source : Medical Xpress -
10 Gluteus Medius Exercises for Stronger Hips and Buns
Gluteus medius exercises can help you treat hip, lower back, or knee pain related to weakness in this area. The gluteus medius is a muscle located in the outer hip, and it is important during the stance phase of walking or running and in stabilizing the pOn : 05-Jan-2024- Source : Verywell health -
Gluteus Medius Pain What Are My Treatment Options
The gluteus medius is a muscle located at the sides of the hips. It moves the leg out to the side and helps stabilize the pelvis to maintain good alignment of the hips and knees. Pain in the gluteus medius often results from the muscle being too weak or wOn : 05-Jan-2024- Source : Verywell health -
How to strengthen your knee
While it may be tempting to avoid exercise when knee pain occurs, this is not always the appropriate solution. Certain types of exercise can help alleviate existing knee pain and prevent future pain or injury by providing the knee with extra support.On : 05-Jan-2024- Source : Medical News Today -
6 Foods To Eat for Healthy Joints
You may already be taking medicines ? either prescription or over the counter ? to relieve stiffness, inflammation and pain in your joints. But long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can damage your body ? especially your liver andOn : 05-Jan-2024- Source : Cleveland Clinic (healthessentials) -
Rerevision ACL reconstruction may impact return to sport level
Re-revision ACL reconstruction was associated with improvements in stability and patient-reported outcomes. However, rates of return to sport at pre-injury level ranged from 12.5% to 80%.On : 05-Jan-2024- Source : Healio -
What Is a Bone Spur in the Knee
Bone spurs in the knee are outgrowths of bone that develop in joints when there is increased pressure between bones from a lack of cartilage. Bone spurs are also called osteophytesOn : 05-Jan-2024- Source : Verywell health -
Medial Patellofemoral Ligament MPFL Reconstruction
The medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is a part of the complex network of soft tissues that stabilize the knee. The MPFL attaches the inside part of the patella (kneecap) to the long bone of the thigh, also called the femur.On : 05-Jan-2024- Source : HSS