Primary Linked Semiconstrained Total Elbow Arthroplasty for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Elbow arthroplasty using a cemented linked semiconstrained elbow arthroplasty provides satisfactory clinical results in the treatment of RA with a reasonable rate of survivorship free of mechanical failure at 20 years.On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : JBJS -
Functional outcome after autologous blood injection for tennis elbow
Autologous blood injection significantly improved clinical function and pain scores in patients with chronic tennis elbow who had previously undergone unsuccessful non-invasive treatment.On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics -
A Rare Combination of Complex Elbow Dislocation and Distal Radial Fracture in Adults
Although it is common for separate elbow joint dislocation and fracture of forearm bones to occur, it is a rare sighting for both elbow dislocation and ipsilateral fracture of the distal radius. We report a case of an anterior dislocation of the elbow with ipsilateral fracture of the distal radius. ...On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : Cureus -
Shortterm Versus Longterm Outcomes After Open or Percutaneous Release for Trigger Thumb
Good outcomes have been reported after both open and percutaneous surgery to release trigger thumb. This study evaluated short-term and long-term outcomes after treatment of trigger thumb with open or percutaneous release.On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : Healio -
Digital edema predicted postoperative recovery for distal radius fracture
The presence of digital edema in patients treated for unstable distal radius fractures with locked volar plating showed the ability to predict early functional plateau, according to a speaker here.On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : Healio -
Successful bilateral hand transplantation may usher new dimension of limb salvage
Results of first bilateral hand transplantation exceeds expectations at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : Healio -
Anatomic Variation in Volar Tilt of the Scaphoid and Lunate Facet of the Distal Radius
This study aimed to investigate the anatomy of the articular surface of the distal radius, in particular measuring the angle between the dorsal and volar rims at several points from radial to ulnar, to ascertain whether volar tilt is uniform between the scaphoid and lunate facet and to explore c...On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : JHS -
SidetoSide Versus Pulvertaft Extensor Tenorrhaphy A Biomechanical Study
Side-to-side repair technique showed superior biomechanical properties while demonstrating comparable repair bulk of the tendon coaptation compared with the Pulvertaft weave.On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : JHS -
Study links chronic low back pain and illicit drug use in patients in community setting
Adults with chronic low back pain in the United States were more likely to use marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine and were also more likely to have a current prescription for pain-relieving opioid analgesics than adults without chronic low back pain, according to investigators.On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : Healio -
Surgery for back pain reduces problems with sex liferelated pain
For patients with degenerative spinal disease, surgery is more effective in reducing pain that interferes with sexual activity, compared to nonsurgical treatment.On : 06-Dec-2016- Source : Science Daily