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  • Hip Arthroscopy and Capsular Closure for a Labral Tear with FAI

    Advancements in hip arthroscopy have allowed for the reliable and effective treatment of FAI, resulting in an increase in rates of arthroscopic hip surgery.
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : ICJR
  • What Is a Facetectomy

    A facetectomy is a spinal surgical procedure for individuals who experience moderate to severe back pain as a result of an impinged spinal nerve.
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : Verywell Health
  • Health Tip Lifting Heavy Things

    People who practice smart lifting techniques are less likely to suffer muscle sprains, pulls and injuries caused by heavy lifting.
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : Health Day
  • Do more to strengthen your core

    Developing core strength is essential for fitness and overall health, but it doesn't have to be a drudge. If you're ready to go beyond crunche...
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : Medical Xpress
  • Best treatment for herniated disc

    Sudden back pain is often caused by a herniated disc. The intervertebral discs are a kind of buffer between the vertebrae and are heavily strained over the years.
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : Medical Xpress
  • FDA approves first spinal tether device to treat children with idiopathic scoliosis

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first spinal tether device intended to be used in children and adolescents to correct the most common form of scoliosis, called idiopathic scoliosis, that has not responded to conservative treatment options, such as external bracing.
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : News Medical
  • Easy neck stretches for tension relief

    It can happen when you're stuck in traffic, or hunched over for hours at your desk, or even sitting in the stands watching your child's lacros...
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : Medical Xpress
  • Tailbone pain often goes away without medical treatment

    Although tailbone pain can be uncomfortable, in most cases it will go away on its own within a few months.
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : Medical Xpress
  • Building a better backpack

    A well-organized backpack helps ensure that your child has everything needed for school. Problems start when it becomes overloaded. Lugging around a heavy pack can lead to bad posture, back pain and worse.
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : Medical Xpress
  • Surgery for a Torn Achilles Tendon

    An Achilles tendon tear is a traumatic injury that causes sudden pain behind the ankle. Patients may hear a pop or a snap, and will almost always say they feel as though they have been kicked in the heel (even though no one has kicked them).
    On : 13-Sep-2019
    - Source : Verywell Health