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  • Symptoms of a Spinal Tumor

    While some spinal tumors have no symptoms, most eventually lead to back pain and could also cause neurological deficits, such as numbness or weakness. Spinal tumor symptoms can vary greatly based on where the tumor is located and whether or not it is cancerous.
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : Spine-Health
  • Smartphone Slouching More Serious Than It Sounds

    The health risks that spring from poor posture while using mobile devices don't concern many Americans, a new survey finds. But maybe it should. Poor posture can lead to health issues such as chronic pain in the back, neck and knees, circulation problems, heartburn and digestive problems, ac...
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : WebMD
  • When Is It Safe to Start Running After an Ankle Fracture

    If you have suffered a fractured ankle and had to have surgery with plates and screws to reduce the fracture, you may wonder when you can return to running. Some amount of healing must take place initially, but over time, one of your goals may be to return to running after your fracture. Is there a ...
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : Verywell Health
  • SelfCare Tips to Soothe Aching Feet at Home

    You're not alone if your feet ache after a long day at work or play. It happens to most people when you overdo it, but there are factors that can make you more prone to getting sore feet. Learn about the causes and prevention of sore feet and how to soothe them.
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : Verywell Health
  • Whats Wrong With My Toe

    There are a lot of reasons you may have an aching toe. There's always the chance you stubbed it, of course, or banged it up while playing sports. But there are also problems like hammertoe or arthritis that could be to blame.
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : WebMD
  • Tips for healing a sprained ankle fast

    A sprained ankle is an injury to one or more ligaments in the ankle. Mild sprains may involve overstretching and irritating the ligaments, while severe sprains can cause the ligaments to tear completely.
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : Medical News Today
  • What to Know About Ankle Pain

    Ankle pain refers to any type of pain or discomfort in your ankles. This pain could be caused by an injury, like a sprain, or by a medical condition, like arthritis.
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : healthline
  • How Ballet Dancing Affects Your Feet

    Ballet can cause foot pain, injury, and in some cases, even foot damage for dancers. This mostly occurs in dancers practicing the pointe technique and dancing in pointe shoes.
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : healthline
  • What s the Difference Between Supination and Pronation

    Supination and pronation in the foot are terms used to describe the mechanics of how you stand, walk, and run. Ideally, your weight should be balanced...
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : healthline
  • 6 Reasons You Shouldn t Assume Foot Pain Is a Heel Spur

    If you feel pain in your heel, you might think you have a heel spur. It s a common assumption  and a heel spur can cause foot discomfort. However, on...
    On : 13-Dec-2019
    - Source : healthessentials