What the Amount of Fat on Your Arms Might Tell You About Your Spine Health
For those over 50, measuring the total amount of fat in the arms may help predict which women and men are at a higher risk of a spinal fracture, new research shows.On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : health -
Lower Back Pain Relief
Most of us will experience lower back pain at some point in our lives -- about 80% of us, in fact.On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : WebMD -
Segmental Instability
Segmental instability is a condition where the bones in your spine (vertebrae) move more than they should. This extra movement can cause pain and make it difficult to perform everyday activities. It usually occurs in the lower back (lumbar spine) but can happen in other parts of the spine too.On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : National Spine Health Foundation -
Understanding the Critical Role of SI Joint Health in Lower Back Pain
T h e S a c r o i l i a c ( S I ) j o i n t o f t e n p l a y s a c r i t i c a l y e t u n d e r - r e c o g n i z e d r o l e i n l o w e r b a c k p a i n , a c r u c i a l p o i n t e m p h a s i z e d d u r i n g t h e N a t i o n a l S p i n e H e ...On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : National Spine Health Foundation -
Tissue bridges as predictors of recovery from cervical spine injuries
Results of the longitudinal study, "Prognostic value of tissue bridges in cervical spinal cord injury," have the potential to change clinical practice. They have been published in The Lancet Neurology.On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : Medical Xpress -
Pain relief for worn spinal disks
The fluid-filled cushions between the bones in your spine are called disks. They provide flexibility, allow for spine movement like flexion and extension, and act as shock absorbers.On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : Medical Xpress -
Walking is great for lower back painheres how to get the most out of this exercise
If you're one of the millions of people worldwide who suffer from lower back pain, you might want to try going for a walk. Numerous studies have shown walking has many benefits when it comes to alleviating low back pain. And, according to a recent study, going for a walk just three times a w...On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : Medical Xpress -
What Is Swimmers Shoulder
Swimmer's shoulder is a common orthopedic injury in people who swim. It is caused by abnormal rubbing and pinching of the structures in your shoulder. This injury is experienced by about 40% to 90% of swimmers at one time or another.On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : Verywell health -
Neers Test for Rotator Cuff Impingement
Neer's test is a simple exam that assesses if your shoulder pain and limited range of motion may be caused by an impingement (pinching of tissue). Your healthcare provider or physical therapist can perform the Neer impingement test as a part of a comprehensive shoulder examination.On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : Verywell health -
8 Bicep Tendonitis Exercises
If you have pain in your upper arm or shoulder, you may have irritated your biceps tendon, a condition known as biceps tendonitis. The pain may limit your shoulder motion and make performing normal work and recreational tasks difficult or impossible. You should see a healthcare provider who can diag...On : 09-Aug-2024- Source : Verywell health