Take a weight off kids shoulders Backpack safety tips
Now that children and teenagers are back in the classroom, many have dusted off their trusty backpacks or plan to buy a new one. As in years past, many parents are likely to be surprised by how much kids cram into their backpack and how heavy it becomes. Pediatric orthopedic surgeons at Hospital for...On : 17-Sep-2021- Source : Medical Xpress -
Testing and treating newborns for spinal muscular atrophy Saving lives and healthcare costs
Gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy might have a high up-front price tag. But by screening and treating infants early, the therapy can save both lives and money in the long term.On : 17-Sep-2021- Source : Medical Xpress -
Study evaluates robotic and navigationassisted pedicle screw placement in adult degenerative spinal surgery
The use of robotics and computer navigation in spinal surgery is rapidly expanding. Increasing numbers of hospitals and spine surgeons are adopting the technology, which aims to enhance precision, accuracy and predictability. The main barriers to implementing the new technologies include additional ...On : 17-Sep-2021- Source : Medical Xpress -
New technology holds the key to better care for whiplash injuries
New research is set to significantly improve the diagnosis and treatment of whiplash injuries, one of the most common and challenging injuries following a non-catastrophic motor vehicle collision.On : 17-Sep-2021- Source : Medical Xpress -
Sportsrelated traumatic spine injuries
Harvard researchers examined data on sports-related traumatic spine injuries (TSIs) to see if different sports activities tend to result in particular injuries. They found that accidents involving cycling are by far the most frequent cause of TSIsOn : 17-Sep-2021- Source : Medical Xpress -
Swollen feet and ankles Treatments to try
H a v e y o u e v e r l o o k e d d o w n a t y o u r a n k l e s a n d f e e t a n d b a r e l y r e c o g n i z e d t h e m a s y o u r o w n b e c a u s e o f s w e l l i n g ? I t h a p p e n s , w h e t h e r i t s f r o m l o n g d a y s ...On : 17-Sep-2021- Source : healthessentials -
Physical therapy for a high ankle sprain
A high ankle sprain injury can cause a significant amount of pain and can dramatically impact your ability to stand, walk, or exercise. This is because this type of sprain causes symptoms like stiffness, soreness, and instability in your lower leg.On : 17-Sep-2021- Source : Verywell Health -
8 of the best running shoes for shin splints 2021
Shin splints cause pain at the front of the lower leg, which may occur during or after exercise. Runners with shin splints should opt for shoes that adequately cushion and support their feet.On : 17-Sep-2021- Source : Medical News Today -
MLS athletes with fifth metatarsal fractures have high rate of return to sport
Major League Soccer athletes who sustain a sports-related fifth metatarsal fracture return to sport at a high rate with low risk for refracture, according to a recent report.On : 17-Sep-2021- Source : Healio -
Patients with most severe flatfoot deformity report most gains from corrective surgery
Preoperative patient-reported outcomes measure information system, known as PROMIS, scores are predictive of 2-year postoperative improvement in patients with flexible adult-acquired foot deformity, data presented showed.On : 17-Sep-2021- Source : Healio