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  • Ulnar Neuropathy of the Wrist and Elbow

    Impingement of the ulnar nerve causes a radiating pain or numbness in the pinky finger, ring finger, and edge of the hand.
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : Verywell Health
  • What You Should Know About Torn Bicep Tendon Injuries

    A biceps tendon injury is a tear or rupture of connective tissue that connects the biceps muscle of the upper arm to bones at either the shoulder (proximal tendon) or elbow (distal tendon). This is called ulnar neuropathy, which can be caused by two diffe
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : Verywell Health
  • Causes of Elbow Pain and Treatment Options

    Elbow pain can range from the burning that comes with an inflamed tendon to the sharp pain of an elbow fracture. It can come and go. Or it can get steadily worse as you move your arm. Sometimes, the pain is paired with numbness and tingling in the hand.
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : Verywell Health
  • Overview of Radial Head Elbow Fracture

    A radial head fracture is the most common type of elbow fracture that occurs in adults.1 This type of injury is most commonly caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand. Radial head fractures occur most often in two groups of patients: elderly women as a
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : Verywell Health
  • Exercising With Knee Pain Dos and Donts

    Plenty of studies show the enormous benefits of regular exercise on knee health and the protective advantages it can offer in keeping the structures, tissues and ligaments of the knee protected from damage now, and later in life. As long as you clear it w
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : US News
  • Past present and future of cartilage restoration from localized defect to arthritis

    The arthroscopic cartilage regeneration procedure or realignment osteotomy has been performed as a joint-conserving procedure in cases where conservative treatment for damaged articular cartilage and early osteoarthritis failed.
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : BMC
  • What is autologous chondrocyte implantation ACI

    Autologous chondrocyte implantation, or ACI, is a procedure that treats isolated areas of cartilage damage in the knee. Surgeons remove cartilage cells, grow them in a lab, and then implant them in the area where cartilage is needed.
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : Verywell Health
  • Cumulative loading degradation biomarker weakly associated with knee cartilage thickness

    Mechanical load plus a biomarker that reflects cartilage degradation may predict worsening cartilage thickness in knee osteoarthritis, according to a speaker at the 2021 OARSI World Congress.
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : Healio
  • Study shows how cartilage interacts with the joints in our bodies

    Cartilage is a fascinating substance. It coats the ends of our bones, allowing them to glide by one another at joints like our elbows and our knees.
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : Medical Xpress
  • Cartilage tissue from stem cells could help prevent the loss of functionality from intervertebral disks degeneration

    In a recent article published in biomaterials, a team led by researchers at osaka university and kyoto university demonstrated that using cartilage tissue derived from human stem cells could help prevent the loss of functionality from ivd degeneration.
    On : 06-May-2022
    - Source : Medical Xpress